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La supervision bancaire dans l’Union Européenne
Thèse en Droit mention Droit comparé soutenue le 4 décembre 2015.
For the supervisor, an historical approach of banks allows to better assimilate its ways of functioning. She also serves to better understand why her actors, always endowed of the confidence to develop business, sometimes, show an over-optimism leading to their ruin. The mobilization of the law guides the action of the banking control. The 2007-2008 crisis has provoked awareness in Europe: the impossibility for every member state of the Union to exercise individually an effective supervision without a total harmonization. So was born the construction of the MSU. Located in Frankfurt, the “supervision unique” has been working since November 4th, 2014. But the road map assigned to the supervision a new and more diversifiable field. For sure, the MSU is skilled enough, but is there a will to change the European Union into a “zone de supervision optimale”?
Mots-clés : Banque ; Banque centrale européenne ; changeur ; Conseil de surveillance prudentielle ; contr?le ; coordination ; crise ; droit ; établissements de crédit ; intégration ; macroprudentielle ; marché bancaire unique ; MSU ; optimal ; prudentiel ; réseau ; risque ; stabilité financière ; supervision ; surveillance ; systémique ; Union européenne ; Zone euro.
Keywords : bank; banking law; banking risk; changer; control; coordination; credit institution; crisis; European Central Bank; European Union; Eurozone; financial stability; integration; macroprudential; network; optimal; Prudential Supervisory Board; prudential; single banking market; Single Supervisory Mechanism; supervision; supervisory; systemic;
Directrice de thèse : Blanche SOUSI
Membres du jury :
- Thierry BONNEAU, Professeur des universités, Université Panthéon-Assas
- Pierre-Henri CONAC, Professeur des universités, Université du Luxembourg
- Louis-Augustin BARRI?RE, Professeur des universités, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
- Marie-Anne BARBAT-LAYANI, Directrice Générale de la Fédération bancaire fran?aise
- Blanche SOUSI, Professeur des universités émérite, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
Président du jury : Louis-Augustin BARRI?RE
Mention : Honorable
Equipe d'accueil : EDIEC