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Analyse spatio-temporelle de la morphologie du chenal du Rh?ne du Léman à la Méditerranée
Thèse en Géographie-Aménagement soutenue le 17 décembre 2015.
This thesis studies the French Rhone riverbed longitudinal organisation and its evolution over a century, with a view to improve the management strategy for the sediments. It first describes the geographic, geologic and hydrologic peculiarities of the 512-km long fluvial system. Gravel mining, dikes construction, channelization and dams construction have simplified the lateral pattern of the channel, incised and paved the riverbed and impoverished the aquatic and riparian habitats. The thesis then more precisely characterizes the riverbed dynamics. It relies on bathymetric data collected since 1897 and on grainsize data collected specifically for this study from over 300 samples on the whole 512-km river length. An homogeneous sampling protocol was elaborated on purpose. The vertical bed evolution and grainsize distribution were analysed to assess the riverbed potential mobility, tributaries’ sediment recharge and infrastructures’ impact on sediment transport. It thus appears that 1) riverbed incision is mainly due to channelization, 2) hydroelectric dams partitioned the continuum with the accumulation of fine sediments in some backwaters and the pavement of bypassed reaches downstream of Lyon and 3) a residual dynamic persists during major floods, with moderate gravels transport. The data of paved reaches were used in a 1D hydraulic model to quantify transport capacity and bedload discharge, confirming the aforementioned results. This study helps formulate such recommendations for sustainable river management and ecological restoration as opening slush gates during floods, changing dams management instructions or reinjecting gravel.
Mots-clés : Rh?ne, profil en long, faciès morphologique, distribution granulométrique, protocole d’échantillonnage, capacité de transport, extractions, barrages, casiers Girardon, restauration écologique.
Keywords : Rhone River, long profile, bedforms, grainsize distribution, homogeneous sampling protocol, transport capacity, gravel mining, dams, Girardon groynes system, ecological restoration.
Membres du jury :
- Gilles ARNAUD-FASSETTA, Professeur des universités, Université Paris-Diderot
- Stéphane RODRIGUES, Professeur des universités, Université Fran?ois-Rabelais
- Sylvain REYNAUD, Ingénieur d’étude, Compagnie Nationale du Rh?ne
- Michael BLISS SINGER, Ma?tre de conférences, Université de Saint Andrew
- Michal TAL, Ma?tre de conférences, Université d’Aix Marseille
- Hervé PIEGAY, Professeur des universités, ENS Lyon
Président du jury : Gilles ARNAUD-FASSETTA
Mention : Très honorable
Equipe d'accueil : UMR 5600 - EVS