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Origine et construction de la coopération régionale. L'exemple de l'Océanie insulaire face aux changements climatiques
Thèse en Science Politique soutenue le 27 juin 2014.
The failure of the climate negotiations in Copenhagen in 2009 prompts us to reflect on a complementary model of international environmental governance, whose premises have emerged through the voice of the island States of AOSIS. States, coming together on the basis of a shared perception of risk, highlighting increasing fragilities, this is the starting point of this investigation. The regional level is presented as one of the complements to the crisis of universalism. But reflecting on a level of international governance environment requires identifying the conditions for its emergence and for its efficiency. We will focus on the first ones. We will question the identity of the actors of its creation, the tools they use and the reasons why this regionalism, allowing fighting against climate change, is created. Various trends of international relations offer a theoretical approach to regional cooperation, and regionalism more generically, without having identified a uniform model. The theoretical approach through environmental issues at the regional level requires the intervention of several schools of thought to explain the phenomenon: constructivism by building a climate threat and its perception , theories of hegemonic stability by seeking a regional hegemon encouraging other States to cooperate, institutional neoliberalism to explain the role of networks and the search for profit States can expect by entering the cooperative process, theories of complex interdependence through the intervention of non- State actors. Do these various approaches succeed or fail to explain this phenomenon?
Keywords : regionalism, regional cooperation, international relations theory, climate change, Oceania, Small islands states
Mots-Clés : régionalisme, coopération régionale, théorie des relations internationales, changements climatiques, Océanie, Petits ?tats insulaires en développement
Keywords : régionalisme, coopération régionale, théorie des relations internationales, changements climatiques, Océanie, Petits ?tats insulaires en développement
Directeur de thèse : Frédéric RAMEL
Membres du jury :
Daniel COMPAGNON, Professeur des universités, IEP de Bordeaux
Richard BALME, Professeur des universités, IEP de Paris
Guillaume DEVIN, Professeur des universités, IEP de Paris
Brigitte VASSORT-ROUSSET, Professeur des universités, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
Philippe LE PRESTRE, Professeur des universités, Université de Laval
Frédéric RAMEL, Professeur des universités, IEP de Paris
Président du jury : Brigitte VASSORT-ROUSSET
Mention : Très honorable
Equipe d'accueil : CLESID