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L’impact de la mise oeuvre de la conditionnalité démocratique de l’aide européenne sur la politique au Togo et au Zimbabwe
Thèse en Science politique soutenue le 23 octobre 2015
budgétaire et monétaire.
The Impact of Democratic Conditionality of EU Aid Policy on Togo and Zimbabwe
Today there is a significant advance in the democratization process in Togo and Zimbabwe because of the political democratic conditionality for EU development aid and financial sanctions imposed against the country. It is the synergy of internal and external forces that contributed to the change in policy in Togo and Zimbabwe. The mobilization of civil society has been helpful. However, the political system produced by policy conditionality is only fa?ade since the results are not up to what was expected. The results are mixed. The reforms undertaken in Togo and Zimbabwe are only apparent. In addition, aid dependence has fostered corruption, debt, and undermined investment. Unless appropriate solutions can be found to the democratic aspirations of the African peoples, taking into account their social, cultural, economic and political realities; sociopolitical crises are likely to persist on the continent. Africa today needs a strong institution capable of reconciling democracy and development. It also needs fiscal and monetary independence.
gouvernance, démocratie, principes démocratiques, des droits de l’homme, ?tat de droit, sanctions économiques, réformes institutionnelles, constitutionnelles et politiques, institutions fortes.
democracy, democratic principles, human rights, rule of law, economic sanctions,
institutional, constitutional and political, strong institutions.
Membres du jury :
- Jean-Louis ATANGANA AMOUGOU, Professeur des universités, Université de Yaounde II
- Vincent Joseph NTUDA EBODE, Professeur des universités, Université de Yaounde II
- Mireille COUSTON, Professeur des universités, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
- Augustin Marie-Gervais LOADA, Professeur titulaire de Droit public et de Science Politique, Université de Ouagadougou
- Jean-Paul JOUBERT, Professeur des universités, émérite, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
Mention : Très honorable
Equipe d'accueil : Francophonie