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La pensée en souffrance
Publié le 23 juin 2010 – Mis à jour le 16 novembre 2018
Thèse en Philosophie Soutenue le 17 juin 2010
? L'angoisse devant le questionnement pèse sur tout l'Occident. ? Le moment est venu de penser l'être à partir de lui-même : nous sommes dans le Tournant, nous sommes le Tournant. Quelle pensée pour prendre la relève de la métaphysique ? La pensée, aujourd'hui, ne peut être qu'en souffrance, en attente de l'autre pensée, la préparant. Elle doit répondre au besoin de renouveau d'une humanité exténuée par la toute-puissance du Dispositif. Pensée en gésine qui, en réexaminant tous ses fondements s'efforce de se dépasser elle-même. La pensée de l'être est le souci porté à l'usage de la langue. L'urgence est de se mettre en état d'éprouver la détresse en tant que détresse. Commencer par l'état des lieux de la pensée occidentale : le nihilisme comme dernier rejeton de la métaphysique. ? l'époque de l'accomplissement du nihilisme : jeter le regard dans ce qui est autour du monde. L'analyse existentiale ouvre la possibilité d'un bon usage du monde ; à quoi répond et correspond un bon usage de la pensée : penser l'Ouverture et la Clairière. Radicalisation de la finitude, horizon indépassable de l'essence de l'homme, et de celle de l'être. Seule la parole poétique peut indemniser la terre de l'emprise du Dispositif. La parole se révèle être la substance même de l'?vénement ; en elle la pensée en souffrance trouve son régime d'apaisement. La pensée de Heidegger est un entretien infini avec la possibilité de s'excéder elle-même. Sensible jusqu'à l'extrême à l'inquiétude foncière de l'exister, Heidegger l'est tout autant au malaise généralisé de notre époque devant son destin. Prendre en garde l'essence adversative de l'être qui se déploie aujourd'hui comme Dispositif pour répondre au besoin de réinvestir la vérité de l'être. La Promesse peut rester inaccomplie : souffrance lancinante de la pensée aujourd'hui. La circularité utilitaire de l'exploitation de l'étant peut s'installer définitivement comme le processus permanent de production de l'im-monde. Ce qui jaillit du langage, pour peu que l'homme y apporte ses soins, illumine l'éclaircie de son séjour parmi la beauté des choses et du monde.
Mots-clés : Métaphysique - Nihilisme - Pensée - Ouverture - Finitude - Dispositif - ?vénement - Poésie - Monde - ?claircie - Souffrance
Angst in the face of Questioning weighs upon the whole Western thought. The time has now come when Being is to be thought out starting from Itself: we are at the Turn, we are the Turn. What thought is there to take over from Metaphysics? Thinking today can only be held up, awaiting, in pain, for the other thinking, and paving the way to it. It must meet the need for renewal felt by an exhausted mankind that the all-powerful Plan has worn out. It is Thinking in labour, attempting to surpass itself, by reconsidering all its fundaments. To think out Being is to consider the use of language with great care. Priority is to be given to working oneself into such a state as to feel distress as being distress. To start with, we have to take stock of the situation of Western thought: Nihilism as the last offspring of Metaphysics. At a time when Nihilism has been accomplished, we have to look around and see what is around the world. An existential analysis opens up the possibility of a correct use of the world, which means a correct use of thinking: to think out the Opening and the Openness, the Clearing - Lichtung; to radicalize the finiteness, such horizon beyond which, by essence, man cannot go; to radicalize the Being. Poetry- poetic speech- alone can give the Earth compensation for experiencing the hold of the Plan. Speech proves to be the inner substance of the Event. In Speech does the awaiting thinking find its soothing regime. Heidegger's thought is an endless discussion between itself and its own capacity of surpassing itself. Heidegger is aware, to the utmost, of the inner unrestlessness of Existing, as well as he is extremely sensitive to the general uneasiness of our time in the face of its destiny. It is necessary to be aware of the adversative quality of the essence of Being which deploys today as a Plan, in order to reintegrate its own truth. The Promise may remain unkept - today the haunting pain of thinking. The utilitarian circularity of the exploitation of Being may definitely become a permanent process of producing the un-world. What springs from language- provided man takes care of it- illuminates the Lichtung/ the bright interval of his time in the midst of the beauty of the world.
Key-words: Metaphysics - Nihilism - Thinking - Openness - Finiteness - Plan - Event - Poetry - World - Clearing - Awaiting
Directeur de thèse : Jean-Jacques WUNENBURGER
Membres du jury :
Jean-Marie VAYSSE, Professeur, Université de Toulouse
Fran?oise DASTUR, Professeur, Université Sophia Antipolis -Nice
Fran?ois GUERY, Professeur, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
Jean-Jacques WUNENBURGER, Professeur, Université Jean-Moulin Lyon 3
Mention : Très honorable avec les félicitations du jury
Equipe d'accueil : Institut de recherches philosophiques de Lyon
Mots-clés : Métaphysique - Nihilisme - Pensée - Ouverture - Finitude - Dispositif - ?vénement - Poésie - Monde - ?claircie - Souffrance
Angst in the face of Questioning weighs upon the whole Western thought. The time has now come when Being is to be thought out starting from Itself: we are at the Turn, we are the Turn. What thought is there to take over from Metaphysics? Thinking today can only be held up, awaiting, in pain, for the other thinking, and paving the way to it. It must meet the need for renewal felt by an exhausted mankind that the all-powerful Plan has worn out. It is Thinking in labour, attempting to surpass itself, by reconsidering all its fundaments. To think out Being is to consider the use of language with great care. Priority is to be given to working oneself into such a state as to feel distress as being distress. To start with, we have to take stock of the situation of Western thought: Nihilism as the last offspring of Metaphysics. At a time when Nihilism has been accomplished, we have to look around and see what is around the world. An existential analysis opens up the possibility of a correct use of the world, which means a correct use of thinking: to think out the Opening and the Openness, the Clearing - Lichtung; to radicalize the finiteness, such horizon beyond which, by essence, man cannot go; to radicalize the Being. Poetry- poetic speech- alone can give the Earth compensation for experiencing the hold of the Plan. Speech proves to be the inner substance of the Event. In Speech does the awaiting thinking find its soothing regime. Heidegger's thought is an endless discussion between itself and its own capacity of surpassing itself. Heidegger is aware, to the utmost, of the inner unrestlessness of Existing, as well as he is extremely sensitive to the general uneasiness of our time in the face of its destiny. It is necessary to be aware of the adversative quality of the essence of Being which deploys today as a Plan, in order to reintegrate its own truth. The Promise may remain unkept - today the haunting pain of thinking. The utilitarian circularity of the exploitation of Being may definitely become a permanent process of producing the un-world. What springs from language- provided man takes care of it- illuminates the Lichtung/ the bright interval of his time in the midst of the beauty of the world.
Key-words: Metaphysics - Nihilism - Thinking - Openness - Finiteness - Plan - Event - Poetry - World - Clearing - Awaiting
Directeur de thèse : Jean-Jacques WUNENBURGER
Membres du jury :
Jean-Marie VAYSSE, Professeur, Université de Toulouse
Fran?oise DASTUR, Professeur, Université Sophia Antipolis -Nice
Fran?ois GUERY, Professeur, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
Jean-Jacques WUNENBURGER, Professeur, Université Jean-Moulin Lyon 3
Mention : Très honorable avec les félicitations du jury
Equipe d'accueil : Institut de recherches philosophiques de Lyon
Mise à jour : 16 novembre 2018